Knights of the old republic ending
Knights of the old republic ending

knights of the old republic ending knights of the old republic ending

Until recently I was lacking the exact years for the most recent events in the SWTOR history – Updates 5.0 and 6.0. I have a popular SWTOR Timeline of events article here on that lists all major events up to the current update with as closely pointed years of when they happened as possible. It references events spanning thousands of years before the game’s own timeline, which starts around 3640 BBY (Before the Battle of Yavin). SWTOR follows the Star Wars Legends and is built on that platform. By that time Disney had not yet scratched everything created and put together by tons of authors in the span of over three decades. SWTOR started in 2011, but the game has been in development for over five years prior to that. Today we have the new and official Star Wars Canon, established by Disney and the Star Wars Legends, combining everything outside of the first two trilogies of movies and the Clone Wars animated series.

knights of the old republic ending

The MMORPG Star Wars The Old Republic follows the Star Wars Expanded Universe timeline and continues to build on events described and detailed by various projects and sources from years before Disney took over the franchise. In the span of several forum posts he revealed his own interpretation of when each significant event in the game happens according to the Star Wars Legends and the movies canon time line! Recently creative director Charles Boyd stepped up to clarify the game’s exact timeline and confirm in what year do all major story events and updates happen. It is built on the back of the thousands of years of ancient history from other games, comic books, video games.

knights of the old republic ending

The SWTOR Story is a rich timeline of events and a ton of events described in the whole span of the game’s nearly ten years of existence. Wondering when the stories told in SWTOR take place? Learn in which in-game year each story takes place in the Star Wars Universe

Knights of the old republic ending